Burnaby real estate agent

Burnaby realtor cherry yeung

Common Mistakes Young Homebuyers Make

Buying your first home is one of the most exciting things you will ever do. Once you’re at that stage in life where you have enough savings and are ready to make this big investment, there are a few things you should know. When you’re young and don’t have the experience, it’s easy to make mistakes. So, if you’re at a point in your life where buying a home is a possibility here are some of the mistakes you should avoid:

Never underestimate yourself because buying a home can be more of a reality than you think. Many young professionals feel as though buying a home is something they can do later on when it can actually be a possibility now. If you have a stable job and some savings, it may be worth looking into because you may be renting when you could own home instead.

Make sure you’re aware of all of the costs associated with owning a home and are comfortable with that number. There are a number of expenses in addition to the monthly mortgage costs, so factor everything into your total to see if owning a home is a realistic option. The last thing you want is to get into a situation you can’t afford to keep in mind that there are other costs like home insurance, utility bills, and property tax, just to name a few.

Take your time when you’re looking at houses and don’t jump at the first one you see. While the process is exciting, it’s important not to rush so that you make the right choice. Buying a home is a very big deal and you should take as much time as you need before making your final decision. If you really love a house, go back and look at it a few times to make sure it’s not lacking any of your needs.

Shop around for different mortgages and do a comparison. Don’t just settle for the first option you are offered because you might find something better with lower closing costs and interest rates. Obtain a least a few quotes before settling on one.

Forgetting to complete an inspection. Always have a proper inspection done because this is how you can find issues you would otherwise not have seen. You don’t want to deal with the previous homeowners problems which can cost you thousands in fees so do an inspection to make sure everything looks good before making the deal.

Cherry Yeung Real Estate will make sure your home buying experience is a positive one. If you’re looking for a reputable real estate agent in the Burnaby area or are looking to buy a condo in Vancouver, Cherry Yeung Real Estate will make sure you’re in good hands. Call them today to deal with a professional realtor who will help you buy the home of your dreams!